
ASA NAT Part 4 - Using Object NAT

In the diagram below we have three servers and a local network with some users that all need to get out to the Internet. The Web server and FTP server have to share the same public IP.

Step1: Make objects for both the outside and inside addresses that will be used.

ASA(config)# network network public-webftp
ASA(config-network-object)#  host
ASA(config)# network network public-appserv
ASA(config-network-object)#  host
ASA(config)# network network public-hidenat
ASA(config-network-object)#  host
ASA(config)# network network InsideLan
ASA(config-network-object)#  subnet
ASA(config)# network network server-web-http
ASA(config-network-object)#  host
ASA(config)# network network server-web-https
ASA(config-network-object)#  host
ASA(config)# network network server-ftp
ASA(config-network-object)#  host
ASA(config)# network network server-apps
ASA(config-network-object)#  host

Step2: Apply NAT to our inside objects.

ASA(config)# network network InsideLan
ASA(config-network-object)# nat (inside,outside) dynamic public-hidenat
ASA(config)# network network server-web-http
ASA(config-network-object)# nat (inside,outside) static public-webftp service tcp 80 80
ASA(config)# network network server-web-https
ASA(config-network-object)# nat (inside,outside) static public-webftp service tcp 443 443
ASA(config)# network network server-ftp
ASA(config-network-object)# nat (inside,outside) static public-webftp 21 21
ASA(config)# network network server-apps
ASA(config-network-object)# nat (inside,outside) static public-appserv

Step3: Make or modify the interface access-list to allow incoming traffic to the servers

ASA(config)# access-list outside-incoming extended permit tcp any object
server-web-http eq 80
ASA(config)# access-list outside-incoming extended permit tcp any object
server-web-https eq 443
ASA(config)# access-list outside-incoming extended permit tcp any object
server-ftp eq 21
ASA(config)# access-list outside-incoming extended permit tcp any object
server-apps eq 1234
ASA(config)# access-group outside-incoming in interface outside

If you prefer to use the ASDM here is a basic run down of how to add an Object NAT.

Step1: You can either add/edit an existing object using the toolbar on the right side or in the NAT configuration window you can add an Object NAT from the drop down Add menu.

Step2: Once the object window is shown click the little drop down arrow to access the NAT configuration section.

Step3. Check the Add Automatic Address Translation rules box.

Step4: Select if you wish to do a static, dynamic, or dynamic PAT and add your translated address or object. Once done filling out the type and translated address click the advanced button.

Step5: In this window you select your source and translated (destination) interfaces. If you want to do a Static 1 to 1 NAT you can leave the service section blank without port numbers. If you want to perform a PAT or port forward fill them out. The last thing on this window is the “Translate DNS replies for rule” option. This function only available if you want to do a Static 1 to 1 NAT (no port numbers filled out).